
Courses Banner

All students must take six courses, including three core courses and three electives. To qualify for the certificate, a minimum grade average of B- in the six program courses is required. Program courses may not be taken on a pass/D/fail basis, unless that is the only grading alternative for the course.  However, all courses taken on a pass/D/fail basis during Spring 2020, Fall 2020, or Spring 2021 will be accepted for the program.  Courses may simultaneously fulfill both certificate program requirements and regular departmental requirements.

Control Systems - One Course:

  • MAE 345 / COS 346 / ECE 345 - Introduction to Robotics
  • ECE 346 / COS 347 / MAE 346 - Intelligent Robotic Systems
  • MAE 433 - Automatic Control Systems
  • MAE 434 - Modern Control

Laboratory - One Course:

  • ECE 206 / COS 306 - Contemporary Logic Design
  • ECE 302 - Robotic and Autonomous Systems Lab
  • MAE 224 - Integrated Engineering Science Laboratory
  • PHY 210 - Experimental Physics Seminar
  • CEE 374 / STC 374 - Autonomous Fabrication and Robotics

Cognition, Language, and Decision Making - One Course:

  • MUS 248 / PSY 248 - Music Cognition
  • NEU 201 / PSY 258 - Fundamentals of Neuroscience
  • NEU 202 / PSY 259 - Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience
  • NEU 330 / PSY 330 - Computational Modeling of Psychological Function
  • NEU 422 / PSY 422 - Dynamics in Cognition
  • PSY 255 / CGS 255 - Cognitive Psychology
  • PSY 316 / NEU 316 - The Cognitive Neuroscience of Selective Attention
  • PSY 337 / NEU 337 - Neuroscience of Social Cognition and Emotion
  • PSY 345 / NEU 325 - Sensation and Perception
  • PSY 360 / COS 360: Computational Models of Cognition
  • PSY 409 - Cyborg Psychology
  • PSY 454 / COS 454 - Probabilistic Models of Cognition
  • SPI 340 / PSY 321 - The Psychology of Decision Making and Judgment

Electives - Three Courses, Maximum of Two from Any Department:

  • Any of the courses under the control, laboratory, or cognition categories may be counted as electives if they are not being used to satisfy a core program requirement.  Additional approved electives are:
  • ARC 374 - Computational Thinking for Design, Architecture, and Engineering
  • ARC 380 - Introduction to Robotics for Digital Fabrication
  • CBE 442 - Design, Synthesis, and Optimization of Chemical Processes
  • CBE 447 - Metabolic Engineering
  • CEE 361 / MAE 325 - Matrix Structural Analysis and Introduction to Finite-Element Methods
  • COS 217 - Introduction to Programming Systems
  • COS 226 - Algorithms and Data Structures
  • COS 324 - Introduction to Machine Learning
  • COS 333 - Advanced Programming Techniques
  • COS 340 - Reasoning about Computation
  • COS 350: Ethics of Computing
  • COS 402 - Artificial Intelligence
  • COS 424 / SML 302 - Fundamentals of Machine Learning
  • COS 426 - Computer Graphics
  • COS 429 - Computer Vision
  • COS 461 - Computer Networks
  • ECE 201 - Information Signals
  • ECE 302 - Building Real Systems
  • ECE 381 - Networks: Friends, Money, and Bytes
  • ECE 482 - Digital Signal Processing
  • ECE 486 - Transmission and Compression of Information
  • ECO 202 - Statistics and Data Analysis for Economics
  • MAE 206 - Introduction to Engineering Dynamics
  • MAE 321 - Engineering Design
  • MAE 322 - Mechanical Design
  • MAE 331 - Aircraft Flight Dynamics
  • MAE 332 - Aircraft Design
  • MAE 341 - Space Flight
  • MAE 342 - Space System Design
  • MAE 412 - Microprocessors for Measurement and Control
  • ORF 245 / EGR 245 - Fundamentals of Engineering Statistics
  • ORF 307 / EGR 307 - Optimization
  • ORF 309 / EGR 309 / MAT 309 - Probability and Stochastic Systems
  • ORF 311 - Stochastic Optimization and Machine Learning in Finance
  • ORF 350 - Analysis of Big Data
  • ORF 363 / COS 323 - Computing and Optimization for the Physical and Social Sciences
  • ORF 405 - Regression and Applied Time Series
  • ORF 467 - Transportation System Analysis
  • PHI 207 - Introduction to Philosophy of Cognitive Science
  • PSY 309 / LIN 309 - The Psychology of Language
  • PSY 345 / NEU 325 - Sensation and Perception
  • PSY 422 / NEU 422 - Dynamics in Cognition
  • PSY 475 / ENE 475 - Human Factors 2.0-Psychology for Engineering, Energy, and Environmental Decisions
  • SPI 365: Tech Ethics